Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This Disgusting Pig Must Go

As news comes in hard and fast this morning about Barnett's thugs dragging protesters into cars at James Price Point, it's worth reflecting what we've gotten ourselves into.

I'd apologise to Fat Mike but he's an arrogant cunt and so am I.
  • Kimberley Land Grab where our state police are being used to protect Woodside's interests
  • Unadulterated corruption and collusion between the state and mining companies.
  • The introduction and subsequent cross-pollination of genetically-modified canola into the state's food supply.
  • The concurrent sale of our public food assets to Monsanto, of all people.
  • Collusion with real estate developers to turn land, which was bequeathed to the state under the condition that it never be developed, into a private canal estate in the middle of Rockingham.
  • Consistant attempts on behalf of Police Minister Rob Johnson to remove the presumption of innocence from a wide range of laws: this includes his failed Stop & Search legislation, temporary CHOGM laws as well as a range of traffic and other legislation.
  • Failure to ensure that our hospitals and prisons are owned by the community, not sold to profiteering cowboys.
  • Consistant disrespect of our state's traditional owners and an utter disregard for everybody else. A perpetuation of imperial mores that belong in the 19th Century.
It's time to fucking go, Colin. Enjoy your cushy retirement job as a "consultant" to Woodside.